Ash Not What Your Brotherhood Can Do for You

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Ash Not What Your Brotherhood Can Do for You

Ash Not What Your Brotherhood Can Do for You.png
Quest giver
North Shroud (X:24, Y:23)
Quest line
Intersocietal Quests
Gil 1,161
Previous quest
Side QuestRattled in Ehcatl
Next quest
Side QuestFriends Forever

Tataramu would aid you in tracking your quarry.

— In-game description


The Amalj'aa Runagate is located at Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:11.3, Y:8.5).


  • Speak with Colson at the airship landing in Ul'dah.
  • Search for the escaped beastman in the streets of Ul'dah.


  • Tataramu would aid you in tracking your quarry.
  • Tataramu offers to use his connections at Highwind Skyways to assist in tracking down the elusive abductor of beastmen. Make your way to the airship landing in Ul'dah, where Advisor Colson will be awaiting your arrival.
  • Advisor Colson has identified the airship piloted by the kidnapper as the property of the Laughing Alchemists, a disreputable trading company operating out of Ul'dah. As you converse, you overhear three Brass Blades discuss their attempt to capture a fugitive beastman wreaking havoc in the streets. Could this be related to the kidnappings you are investigating? Seek out the beastman in question and find out.
  • The fugitive beastman was revealed to be your erstwhile comrade, Yadovv Gah of the Brotherhood of Ash. He swears that the rumors of violent attacks against innocent Ul'dahns are lies, and that he came to the city in pursuit of a man who abducted his brothers. Sylvie appears, offering to lead the troubled Amalj'aa safely out of the city walls. Before departing, Yadovv Gah informs you that he and his warleader will await you at the Ring of Ash.
  • Though Hamujj Gah welcomes your return to the Ring of Ash, he seethes with anger at the abduction of his fellow Amalj'aa by the hand of the ubiquitous kidnapper. The warleader's honor will not allow him to sit idly by. Realizing that the two of you share a common foe, he enlists your aid in seeing that the perpetrator answers for his treacherous acts.


Sezul Totoloc: Steal Ixali young, featherless neuker would!? Fly away in airship, flaunt wings we have not? Pay, neuker will, and pay in blood! Squawk! Squawwwk!

Accepting the Quest

Tataramu: That this kidnapper you pursue pilots his own personal airship─and a Garlond Ironworks 1569-II, at that─is fascinating...and more than a bit frightening.
Tataramu: It hardly needs be said that such a vessel would be beyond the purchasing power of all but the wealthiest Eorzeans. Your quarry─or whoever is paying for his services─likely has nigh-limitless riches at his disposal.
Tataramu: But have faith, [Forename]. Some of the most capable men in the employ of Highwind Skyways are tracking the rogue vessel as we speak. Whoever is behind these abductions, his identity will not remain secret much longer.
Tataramu: I have arranged for Advisor Colson to meet you at the airship landing in Ul'dah. Whatever knowledge my colleagues have gleaned in the meantime, it will be yours.
Tataramu: Your foe is backed by the power of coin, but you have something much stronger on your side─the power of justice! Safe travels, and may you serve that beastman-napping scoundrel his due! 


Tataramu: I have arranged for Advisor Colson to meet you at the airship landing in Ul'dah. Whatever knowledge my colleagues have gleaned in the meantime, it will be yours.
Sezul Totoloc: Suffer the same as Ixal, others do? Spirited away by airship, furry and flying creatures are? An outrage, this is! Have his revenge, Sezul will! Squawk!

Speaking with Colson at the airship landing in Ul'dah (Cutscene)

Colson: Ah, 'tis a pleasure to see you again, lass/lad. Master Tataramu told me you would be coming.
Colson: I am pleased to inform you that we were able to retrieve the records requested by the young master with a minimum of trouble. I have taken the liberty of compiling the relevant findings.
Colson: ...Ahem. Yes, the Garlond Ironworks Model 1569-II. According to the records, only four were ever produced. A shame, was a marvel of airship design. Unfortunately, unrelenting attacks from Garlean forces that year made for less-than-ideal manufacturing conditions.
Colson: But I digress. At the time, two of the vessels were purchased by the sultanate, while the other two entered Highwind Skyways' own fleet. Of our two vessels, one remains in operation to this day, but the other... This is where the records take an odd turn.
Colson: The records claim that it was decommissioned after suffering extensive damages, then sold off to a trading company known as the “Laughing Alchemists.”
Colson: As the ship was heavily damaged, it was sold under the condition that it would be stripped for parts. Yet this was but a verbal agreement─we have no proof that the Laughing Alchemists carried out their end of the bargain.
Colson: Ahem... “Service with a smile, and prices so low the Traders will be laughing Their heads off! Seek out the Laughing Alchemists for a hilariously good deal!” 
...Such are their words. I cannot be certain, but there is something about this transaction that does not sit well with me.
Brass Blade: >> The fugitive has been sighted in the vicinity of Emerald Avenue! <<
Brass Blade: >> Bloody hells! Seal the gates, and block off all entrances to the Hustings Strip! I don't want to see either of your ugly faces until the beast is in chains! <<
Brass Blades: >> S-Sir, yes, sir! <<
Colson: What's this? A fugitive in the streets?
Brass Blade: You there! We've received reports that a beastman has breached the city gates, and prowls the streets thirsting for blood!
Brass Blade: All civilians are encouraged to seek shelter indoors until we bring the fugitive to justice. Venture outside at your own peril!
Colson: A beastman rampaging unchecked within the city walls? That is a frightful prospect indeed.
Colson: In any event, I have shared all that I have to share, and should be returning to my duties. Pray give the young master my regards, and tell him I would be most interested in having a look at that new airship of yours.


Brass Blade: The fugitive was last sighted fleeing down Emerald Avenue. Be on your guard─he's known to be armed!
Brass Blade: Ruby Road Exchange, all clear! The fugitive has been identified as an Amalj'aa! I repeat, the fugitive is an Amalj'aa!
Brass Blade: Beastman? I haven't seen no beastman. I reckon he's scared o' me.
Brass Blade: Show yourself, scalekin! I'll fashion a suit of mail out of your bloody hide!

Searching for the escaped beastman in the streets of Ul'dah (Cutscene)

Amalj'aa Runagate: >> Have I been found at last!? It gives me no pleasure to crush the life from your bones, but you leave me no choice! Say farewell to your loved ones, slavering cur, for your next breath shall be your─ <<
Amalj'aa Runagate: ...Do my eyes see true!? Yes, they do! Honored ally! I am beside myself with joy at this fated reunion!
Yadovv Gah: Do not look so perplexed! It is I─your brother and comrade-in-arms, Yadovv Gah!
Yadovv Gah: I can see the doubt in your eyes. You wonder what brings me so far from the Ring of Ash. I can assure you that I meant no harm to your kind, this I swear!
Yadovv Gah: Far from it. No, it is my own brothers that are in danger. Mere hatchlings, stolen from us by a faceless foe. A sniveling cur too cowardly to meet us on the field of battle!
Yadovv Gah: I pursued him here to Ul'dah, and this was my mistake. No sooner did I arrive than did they call me fugitive, criminal, or worse. They claim I visit violence on innocents, when in truth I have not hurt a flea!
Yadovv Gah: But they will not listen to reason, and I have no means of escape! Gah! Have I no recourse but to become the murderer that they would have me be!?
Sylvie: No! You must not say such things!
Yadovv Gah: Who... Who are you to tell me so!?
Sylvie: It seems you've been busy since we last met, [Forename]. Do not worry for me─my wounds have healed.
Sylvie: I cannot tell you who I am...only that I am a friend. You have no desire to harm innocents, this I know. You must follow me─I know a way out of the city walls.
Yadovv Gah: Though we have just met, I sense honesty and courage in your words. I will follow you. Do not lead me astray.
Yadovv Gah: The fates have reunited us for a reason, honored ally─there can be no doubt of it. The warleader awaits you at the Ring of Ash. Pray honor us with your presence again.
Yadovv Gah: The Brotherhood of Ash welcomes your return, honored ally. Doubtless there are many stirring tales of battle we could trade, but such revelry will have to wait for another day. The warleader would speak with you at once.

Reuniting with Hamujj Gah at the Ring of Ash

Hamujj Gah: ...Honored ally. The fates smile on us today. You return to the Ring of Ash from afar, and we are stronger for your presence.
Hamujj Gah: I have heard from Yadovv Gah how you and your friend saved his life in Ul'dah. I fear that the fault in sending him to such unwelcoming environs was my own. The Brotherhood is in your debt once more.
Hamujj Gah: When the threat of our mortal foe, the Flamefangs, was quenched by your hand, Zanr'ak regained a measure of peace. And yet I fear that these halcyon days were short-lived.
Hamujj Gah: Not days ago, an uninvited guest came to the Ring of Ash from the skies, bearing a fearsome blade and ill intentions. Fighting with a fury that belied his slight frame, he quickly subdued the strongest of our kin and absconded with a bevy of hatchlings.
Hamujj Gah: The shame! The dishonor! Have the proud Amalj'aa fallen so far that they allow their young to be stolen from them like a sack of popotoes!?
Hamujj Gah: My kin are shocked and shamed by this loss, but we are still Amalj'aa! Unlike Ifrit's addled slaves, we have not forgotten how to fight for ourselves; the Brotherhood of Ash are warriors, and warriors do not abandon their sons.
Hamujj Gah: Yadovv Gah tells me that you, too, pursue this same man. Join us in battle once more, honored ally, that the craven whelp will answer for his dishonorable acts, and feel the rage of a thousand fists crushing his bones into dust!