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Custom Delivery (map icon).png



Male ♂
Il Mheg (16.6, 33.9)

Anden is a Leafman found in Il Mheg.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Every Anden of the Rainbow Feature quest 80 Anden

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
That's So Anden Feature quest 80 Supplicant Sheep

Custom Deliveries

Rank Crafted Gathered Fished
Level 1 Sheep equipment icon1.png  Sheep EquipmentCollectable Raw sheep fodder icon1.png  Raw Sheep FodderCollectable Ondo kelp icon1.png  Ondo KelpCollectable
Level 2 Mountain garb icon1.png  Mountain GarbCollectable Combustible fuel icon1.png  Combustible FuelCollectable Ken kiln icon1.png  Ken KilnCollectable
Level 3 Classic voeburtite cuisine icon1.png  Classic Voeburtite CuisineCollectable Natural ingredients icon1.png  Natural IngredientsCollectable Purpure cod icon1.png  Purpure CodCollectable
Level 4 Traditional voeburtite handicraft icon1.png  Traditional Voeburtite HandicraftCollectable Crafters supplies icon1.png  Crafters' SuppliesCollectable Gloriandas tear icon1.png  Glorianda's TearCollectable
Level 5 Lovely box of pretty things icon1.png  Lovely Box of Pretty ThingsCollectable Lovely knickknacks icon1.png  Lovely KnickknacksCollectable Il lydha icon1.png  Il LydhaCollectable


Satisfaction level 1

Anden: Assuming I was a shepherd, seeing items used for tending sheep may help me remember something crucial. At least, I hope it will...

Custom Deliveries

After delivering Sheep Equipment
Anden: Tending sheep requires food, medicine, trimming shears, cleaning supplies... Oooh, what's that you have there?
After delivering Raw Sheep Fodder
Anden: Being chewed on by sheep is not an entirely pleasant sensation, believe you me...but providing for them brings me great satisfaction. However, leaves alone do not a diet make─sheep need hay and a salt lick, at the very least.
After delivering Ondo Kelp
Anden: Tending sheep requires food, medicine, trimming shears, cleaning supplies... Oooh, what's that you have there?

Upon completing Satisfaction level 1

Anden: You have brought me so many nice things─it's a shame I can't put any of them to use. I daresay I'm far closer to sheep nourishment than nourisher in my current state. But that regret in and of itself feels like a clue─and these items do seem profoundly familiar, somehow. Hmm...


Anden: Oooh! That's it! I-I've remembered something. You were right, Eo Tyr─I was a shepherd. And I lived here with my sheep and cared for them very, very much.
Eo Tyr: Yes! That's right, Anden. Go on, go on.
Anden: Originally, we lived up on the mountainside, across the lake. But when the Flood came, we were forced to evacuate down here. Oooh, my little flock didn't like the move one bit. They never got along with the local shepherds...though I'm sure they do now that their wardens are tasty leafmen! And there was one other they didn't take to, as I remember. Back before the Flood, a Galdjent traveler once assisted me with some work. Perhaps it was due to his hulking stature, but my sheep couldn't see him but to batter him with their tiny hooves. Heh! I shouldn't laugh, but the sight was really quite charming...
Anden: Wh-What's this? Have I returned to my true form!? But I've hardly remembered anything! No, this doesn't feel right─I can say with relative certainty that I was never this gigantic.
Eo Tyr: Tee hee hee! Ahahaha! So anxious, Anden. No need to fret! This is only a glamour─just a teeny-tiny taste of who you might-have-may-have-sort-have been. Or not! Either way, I've kept that fluffy, leafy head of yours for luck. How precious you look! I thought you'd feel more comfortable with the appearance of a mortal. And the more limbs you have, the more I can make them flail!
Anden: I-I suppose this does make communication easier in a fashion... But what's this about making me flail!?
Eo Tyr: Ahahaha! That's right, just like that. Oh, you are ever so droll! Which─ Well, I suppose there are worse ways to go...
Eo Tyr: Now you're sounding more like yourself! You did so love mingling with your sheepies, after all. Snuggling up in a sea of fluffy wool and happy bleating...although I doubt they'd let you snuggle looking like that.
Anden: Snuggling... Yes, I must have done, seeing as it was so...cold outside?
Anden: That's right. You wouldn't know it from this blossoming meadow, but these parts used to be far too cold for flowers. We are in the mountains, after all. I must have warded off the chill somehow─[Forename], could you bring me something I might have used to that end? Anything you can manage.

Satisfaction level 2

Anden: It still gets chilly at nighttime, but these mountains were once frigid. What do you think I used to stave off the cold?

Custom Deliveries

After delivering Mountain Garb
Anden: Mountainous climes are nothing to sneeze at. Rather, they would be without warm clothing or blankets or some such thing.
After delivering Combustible Fuel
Anden:It's natural for people to weather harsh climes by burning fuel for warmth. But once you understand what it means to be potential kindling, you never see fire the same way again!
After delivering Ken Kiln
Anden: Warm soup sounds like a delightful way to stave off the cold─and I daresay freshwater fish would produce some excellent stock.

Upon completing Satisfaction level 2

Anden: Come to think of it, if the climate here had stayed as cold as it was, I would have wilted and died straightaway, correct? A chilling thought. I suppose this floral paradise is my unexpected savior─as are you, [Forename]. Thanks to you, I think I've remembered something more of my past...


Anden: I think I remember splitting firewood! And resenting that I had to do so, as I much preferred tending to the sheep.
Eo Tyr: Yes, yes! You never could tear yourself away from your sweet fluffies, Anden. You'd forget all about your chopping and then have to do it in the middle of the driving snow. You'd be out there shivering and sniffling and muttering such dark words!
Anden: Y-You saw all of that? Oooh...
Anden: W-Well, firewood aside, I do remember enjoying a comfortable life here! You see, wool was always in high demand, here in...Voeburt, was it? Yes, Voeburt! That's what this place was called. I would have my wool spun to yarn in the castle town, and as knitting was a rather popular pastime, people were happy to pay good coin for it. One can never have too many pairs of fuzzy socks, after all. Speaking of, I remember gifting a pair of woolen gloves to a traveler once. Someone who helped me with an errand... An elf! Yes, I once knew an elf who was rather averse to the cold...
Anden: Oooh? I've changed again. Eo Tyr!?
Eo Tyr: Tee hee! Ahahahahahaha! Elven Anden! You look just like that Urianger fellow who used to live at the Bookman's Shelves. ...Well, I suppose he wasn't quite so leafy. He's one of your friends, isn't he, [Forename]?
Eo Tyr: Oooh, Urianger was ever so fun to play with. He was too polite to say anything ill, so we would gift him treats he loathed and laugh at his sad face while he ate them. What fun we had! But you're just as entertaining, Anden—don't you fret.
Anden: I-Is that supposed to be a good thing? I don't know whether to feel flattered or horrified...
Eo Tyr: Speaking of eating things both lovely and loathsome─have you remembered that you used to eat sheep, Anden?
Anden: What!? I-I had no idea my obsession with sheep extended so far as to...consume them. But all things considered, I suppose that makes a certain degree of sense. ...It might also explain why I suddenly find myself craving roasted meat. Hmm. Regardless, while diet is irrelevant to a leafman, I must have put consideration into my meals as a person. Any guess as to what I might have eaten?

Satisfaction level 3

Anden: Hello, [Forename]. I do hate to keep troubling you, but might I see some items that a person might eat?

Custom Deliveries

After delivering Classic Voeburtite Cuisine
Anden: Voeburtite cuisine may prominently feature lamb and mutton, but rest assured that sheep cuisine prominently features leafman fronds. What goes around comes around, I suppose..
After delivering Natural Ingredients
Anden: Considering the purity of the streams and quality of the soil, this area may be perfect for cultivating vegetables. It's little wonder why all the leafmen here are so verdant and lush.
After delivering Purpure Cod
Anden: The sea seems rather far away, but delicious freshwater creatures are surely plentiful in these rivers and lakes. If the surface freezes? Why, simply cut a hole through the ice!

Upon completing Satisfaction level 3

Anden: Water and sunlight provide all the sustenance a plant could ever need, but after looking at these foodstuffs, I can't help but feel a strong affinity for eating. Oooh, yes, I do miss a good chew...
Anden:...No, this is no time for swallowing! Er, wallowing. Just a little more, Anden─remember what once you ate!


Anden: I've got it! I remember my favorite dish. There was a tavern in the castle town that served an exquisite lamb stew. Normally, I would prepare my own meals, but that dish in particular I preferred to pay for.
Eo Tyr: The first time I saw you eat sheep, Anden, I thought I had been thrown into the queerest of dreams. Oooh, to think the good, sweet, gentle shepherd would gobble up his friends with such delectable delight!
Anden: Well, being a shepherd is more than being a friend to sheep. Your duty is to ensure no part of their life goes to waste─you milk them, shear their wool, and one day, yes, see that their skin becomes leather and their bodies nourishment for others. We shepherds rely on our sheep for survival, especially in such unforgiving climes. So I did my utmost to repay their sacrifice with as happy and comfortable a life as I could provide. I believe they were happy, anyway. They say happy sheep provide better milk─and indeed, the cheese I made from their yield was quite popular at the tavern. It paired wonderfully with ale─in fact, I remember one acquaintance of mine downing their weight in drink, so delighted were they by the combination. Their dwarven friend was perfectly appalled, scolded them something awful...
Anden: Eo Tyr! Haven't you had your fun by now!?
Eo Tyr: Tee hee heeeeee! Never enough fun, Anden─not when it's with you! Oooh, Big Anden was strong and lovely, but Little Anden is adorable and lovely.
Anden: A-Adorable? Oooh, don't think you can simply flatter your way out of my discontent! ...Even though you very well may!
Eo Tyr: Looking at Little Anden reminds me of how True Anden was once so enraptured by dwarven beards. Do all fluffy things fascinate you, Anden?
Anden: Oooh, the beards! Yes, for the longest time, I assumed they were naturally grown from the chin, so I was surprised to discover that they actually attach at the helm. As an amateur artisan myself, I cannot help but admire such unique dwarven handicrafts. ...Hm? Why did I say that? Was I an artisan? I do remember sitting before the hearth on snowy days and making...something. Handicrafts of some sort? Does that sound probable to you, [Forename]?

Satisfaction level 4

Anden: Good day, [Forename]! I feel likely to regain the rest of my memories at any moment. Just a little further, and I'm sure to recall my true form.

Custom Deliveries

After delivering Traditional Voeburtite Handicraft
Anden: Voeburt once boasted a high population of artisans who crafted armor and weapons and all sorts of little things. I have no doubt a master craftsperson stands somewhere in these flowering fields─a leafman forever dreaming of creation!
After delivering Crafters' Supplies
Anden: Between mineral resources from the mountains and yields from my flock, supplies for crafting seem more than plentiful here. Do you think the climate might even accommodate for cotton? In the warmer seasons, of course...
After delivering Glorianda's Tear
Anden: If your handicraft serves a practical purpose, it may very well need repairs at some point. A clever artisan chooses materials readily available to them, and few sources are more reliable than all these lakes and rivers...

Upon completing Satisfaction level 4

Anden: I must say, recently it feels easier than ever to recall details from my former life. I'm all aflutter, and I don't just mean the breeze through my branches. I have little doubt that it's all thanks to you and these incredibly familiar supplies you've been bringing me. The desire to put my hands on them is overwhelming...


Anden: Yes, I know these waves of inspiration well. Without a doubt, I passed many a happy evening absorbed in my crafting. I remember making and selling all sorts of things. Sheepskin rugs, for instance, and they fetched a good price too─nothing warms a stone house better!
Eo Tyr: You had a warm, fluffy rug in your house too, Anden. Oooh, it was so very, very soft and lovely for snoozing.
Anden: Oooh, I did, didn't I! I remember becoming so absorbed in the finer points of crafting and leatherwork that I once petitioned different sorts of skin from this Mystel hunter I knew. What was their name again...
Anden: <sigh> Yeees, yes. I had a feeling this was coming.
Eo Tyr: Hee hee hee! You know me so well, Anden. But you don't have to restrain yourself. I do so love it when you bluster and fluster and wiggle about in delightful confusion. Go on, go on!
Anden: Eh? Be flustered on command? That's not─! How am I supposed to─? ...Oooh, I'm doing it, aren't I?
Eo Tyr: That reminds me─they say there's a fiery red Mystel made entirely of crystal who is friends with our king. Any friend of the king must be friends with their sapling, right?
Eo Tyr: I knew it. Urianger and the crystal Mystel─what lovely friends you have!
Anden: Friends...
Anden: ...Do you suppose I had friends? I remember a particular group of people with whom I associated... Yes, they would help me with work sometimes, and...
Anden: Oooh, that's right! Those people I've been remembering─they were travelers! A Galdjent...two elves...a dwarf and a Mystel...eh? There was one more, wasn't there? Who was it... A...Hume?
Anden: Of course! Ardbert!
Anden: Wait, what's that look for? Did you know Ardbert as well?
Anden: What a coincidence! Well, I suppose he did traverse the realm on his various adventures─but he and his comrades spent a winter here, once. They helped me with all sorts of little requests and errands, and at the end of a long day's work, we often broke bread together. Our first meeting was rather dramatic, though─I seemed to give them all quite a shock. But after that initial awkwardness, we became fast friends. If ever they ventured nearby, they would always make a point to call. ...Wait, why were they so shocked by me? Something feels odd...

Satisfaction level 5

Anden: [Forename]! Always so good to see you, my friend.

Custom Deliveries

After delivering Lovely Box of Pretty Things
Anden: I've been giving Eo Tyr milk and sweets like I used to, but if you've anything handmade that you think they might enjoy, I'd be most obliged.
After delivering Lovely Knickknacks
Anden: I asked Eo Tyr what other sorts of things they like, and they said “shiny stones and fragrant flowers.” Rather reminds me of what Tellina used to collect when she was young...
After delivering Il Lydha
Anden: Pixies seem to have a particular weakness for pretty colors─or, at least, Eo Tyr does. If you happen to find any alluring shells or whatnot, I'd be most grateful to take them off your hands.

Custom Delivery collectability variable responses

Low collectability

Anden: Oooh! How lovely. You have my gratitude, [Forename].

Medium collectability

Anden: Your generosity is humbling, [Forename]. Truly, I thank you!

High collectability

Anden: F-For me!? I cannot fully express how grateful I feel, [Forename]... Oooh, thank you, thank you, and thank you again!

Additional Information
