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An Impossible Dream

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An Impossible Dream

An Impossible Dream.png
Quest giver
The Azim Steppe (X:32.9, Y:27.7)
Quest line
Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Experience 105,000
Gil 683
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestA Season for War
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Main Scenario QuestStars in the Dark

Main Scenario Progress: 448 / 953 (47%)


Stormblood Progress: 69 / 162 (42.6%)


Cirina knows where you might find Lord Hien.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:


Hien is at X33.3, Y29.0, Z0.2 (on cliff above town, go outside of the town and take a left, follow it and go up to the cliff).



  • Cirina knows where you might find Lord Hien.
  • Your search for the missing heir of Doma on the Azim Steppe has lead you to Cirina, a young woman of the Mol tribe. Long ago, guided by a vision received by her grandmother, she ventured into the southern mountains and there found Hien, near death. Cirina brought the Doman lord to her village, where they nursed him back to health, and there he has remained ever since, until such time as he can repay his debt to them. He often accompanies her to Reunion, though he has a habit of frequenting a spot atop the cliff to the east of the marketplace...
  • At long last you come face–to–face with the young heir to Doma's throne, who greets you as a friend. Yet even after you tell him of Doma's rekindled spirits, he states that he cannot go home─not until he has won the ceremonial battle known as the Naadam and thereby earned the right to bid the Xaela follow him to Doma. A daunting task, by any measure, but likely a necessary one, given the Liberation Front's depleted forces. Reluctantly, Yugiri departs to deliver the news to your comrades in the south, leaving you, Lyse, and Gosetsu to assist Lord Hien in his bold endeavor.
  • Being a man who puts great store by honor and respect, Hien thanks you once more for your many deeds in service to Doma. But he recognizes that you are also a practical woman, disinclined to listen to long speeches and flowery words, and would gladly tell you more of his plan to win the Naadam.



Lyse: I like a good fight as much as anyone, but we should probably find Hien and head back to Doma as soon as we can.
Gosetsu: If she knows where Lord Hien is, then what are you waiting for? Ask her!
Yugiri: The people have spoken, and Lord Hien will heed their words. He must.

Accepting the quest

Cirina: Long ago, my grandmother, having received a vision from the gods, bade me go forth into the southern mountains. It was there that I found Hien, near death from many wounds.
Cirina: I brought him to our village, and there we nursed him back to health. Afterwards, he chose to remain, that he might repay us for our kindness.
Cirina: Domans set much store by honor and shame, so at first I did not question it...
Cirina: Excuse me. If I could see your map for a moment... Here─he has grown fond of this place. It affords him a view of the markets and the Steppe.
Cirina: I would accompany you, but I must return to our village to prepare my grandmother's meal. Thank you again for your assistance! 
Yugiri: Our long-awaited reunion is at hand! Come, my friends─let us go and greet our lord and master!

Searching for Hien (Cutscene)

Gosetsu: The kami are merciful! My lord Hien, I see you are alive and well! 
Hien: Ah... You are come sooner than expected. 
Hien: So. My blade or my head. Which would you have of me? 
Yugiri: The people of Yanxia remain loyal to Doma. I have seen the fire in their eyes─they are ready to rise up and fight.
Yugiri: The time is ripe, my lord. 
Return with us, blade in hand, and lead Doma to freedom. 
Hien: Naught less than liberty will suffice, then? A pity. It will prove far more difficult to deliver than my head.
Hien: But if my people wish to pursue an impossible dream, then who am I to deny them?
Hien: Yugiri! Gosetsu! And...uh...? 
Yugiri: The Scions of the Seventh Dawn, my lord─good and true friends who opened their hearts and homes to us when we fled to Eorzea.
Yugiri: Far across the sea they have journeyed to stand with us in the fight for Doman liberation─to oppose the Empire, as they have in the West, where they are lauded as heroes for their many deeds─ 
Hien: Say no more, Yugiri. Say no more.
Hien: I observed how you helped Cirina, to whom I am deeply indebted. For that, and for the aid you provided my people, you have my deepest gratitude.
Hien: There is no doubting your strength, nor your character. 
It would be my honor to fight by your side.
Hien: So. What of Doma? Arise, my friends, and tell me of our home. 
Hien: I have made my decision. Yugiri, I bid you return to Yanxia and take charge of our forces in preparation for my homecoming. As for our esteemed guests, I would ask that you remain here with me. I sense you will be a great help in the coming days. 
Yugiri: Your will is my command, my lord, much longer do you intend to stay? 
Hien: Oh, only until I have won the contest. I mean to return at the head of a Xaela army. 
Yugiri: You mean to participate in the Naadam? 
Hien: Have you a better idea? Consider how soundly we were defeated before. The imperials may have since grown weaker, but we are weaker still.
Hien: 'Twould be folly to challenge them without first supplementing our forces. So yes, I intend to win the Naadam and enlist the aid of every able-bodied Xaela I can!
Hien: Furthermore, by championing the Mol in the contest, I can at last repay their kindness. Lest you forget, they saved me from certain death─and a man who suffers such debts to go unpaid is without honor and unfit to lead. 
Gosetsu: Hah hah hah! Just so, just so.
Gosetsu: Our lord has spoken, Yugiri. But take heart─I shall keep him safe...and should it come to it, bring him back by force. 
Yugiri: This is no laughing matter, Gosetsu. But if these are my orders... Very well. 
Yugiri: Once more I place my faith in you. Pray look after them both. 
Lyse: Looks like it's up to us, then... Though it does seem a bit risky. Isn't Hien meant to be the next king of Doma or something? 
Hien: So they say...though, in truth, I am but a pale reflection of my late father. All the more reason to entreat your assistance.
Hien: For ours is an impossible dream─to set in motion a revolution that will rattle the very firmament, and shake off the yoke of the most powerful empire in the world!


Lyse: He's a lot more...straightforward than I expected? And he's certainly not short on confidence.
Lyse: But maybe that's the kind of leader Doma needs if they're going to beat these odds. And hey—we've come this far, haven't we? Who's to say we can't go even further?
Gosetsu: Has he truly recovered from his wounds, I wonder? I believe a match may be in order...

Speaking with Hien

Hien: [Forename] [Surname], was it? Once again, allow me to thank you for your many deeds in service to Doma.
Hien: For twenty-five years did my father rule in name only. My rule─if one would deign to call it that─has been naught in comparison.
Hien: That changes now. We have a purpose and a plan, and after we take to the battlefield together, we will have victory as well.
Hien: But you are a practical woman/man. I can tell. Disinclined to trust in words when actions speak truer. I can relate...