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A Swift and Secret Departure

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A Swift and Secret Departure

Quest giver
Kugane (X:7.8, Y:12.3)
Quest line
Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Experience 107,000
Gil 996
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe World Turned Upside Down
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestWhile You Were Away

Main Scenario Progress: 474 / 953 (49.7%)


Stormblood Progress: 95 / 162 (58.6%)


Alphinaud would like to return to the Ruby Bazaar posthaste.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Alphinaud would like to return to the Ruby Bazaar posthaste.


Accepting the Quest

Alphinaud: I informed Tataru of our coming. She and Hancock should be waiting for us in the Ruby Bazaar. 
Alisaie: Then it is here we part ways. Best of luck to you and yours in your...piratical endeavors, I suppose. 


Rasho: Do not worry. We will be safely away before the Sekiseigumi arrive. 
Tansui: Do come and visit us again. 'Twould be a shame if we never got to see you and the little miss again.

Returning to the Ruby Bazaar (Cutscene)

Tataru: Welcome back, everyone, and congratulations on a job well done! 
Alphinaud: It is a pleasure as ever to see your smiling face, Tataru. Less so yours, Hancock, though Rasho and I are sincerely grateful for your assistance. 
Hancock: The pleasure was all mine, Master Alphinaud. I assure you. 
Tataru: Anyway, you will be glad to hear that I have already chartered passage for you back to Limsa Lominsa. 
Tataru: The ship is to leave port this very day, but the captain has agreed to wait until the four of you have boarded. 
Alphinaud: The four of us? You mean to stay here in Kugane? 
Tataru: Yes. I gave it some thought, and I realized that even with Doma free, there's still a need for a woman in the middle. Maybe even more than before, considering all the friends and alliances you made. 
Hancock: As I told her many times before, I would be more than willing to assist you— 
Tataru: And as I told you many times before, I am not about to let you worm your way into our affairs and exploit our connections for your personal gain! 
Hancock: <sigh> Must you always presume the worst? 
Tataru: So there you have it. I will remain here for now. You needn't worry—I'm a regular at the hostelry and a half-dozen other location institutions. Everyone loves me! 
Tataru: So go, go! Don't let me keep you. Buy your supplies and souvenirs while you still can! 
Tataru: When you're finished, make haste to the docks. Pier number two, to be precise. I'll be waiting for you there! 


Hancock: Personally I would have preferred to host you for a few days, but Tataru was adamant that you return on the first available ship. One could almost suspect she is eager to be rid of you...
Hancock: Idle musings, naught more. Purely hypothetical and most assuredly incorrect. She wants only the best for her dear friends, and is surely not motivated by hidden desires to go gallivanting about with her Hingan paramours...
Alphinaud: I cannot deny that the thought of leaving her here along worries me, but she has proven time and time again that she is far more clever than she appears. Besides, I do not think I could persuade her to change her mind.
Alphinaud: Mayhap I should take her advice and purchase a souvenir or two before leaving...

Speaking with Tataru

Tataru: First to arrive, as always. Hopefully the others will not be far behind


Tataru: ...Ah, there you are! All packed and ready to go? 
Alphinaud: To the best of my knowledge, yes. Apologies for the wait. The task of tying up loose ends invariably takes longer than one allows. Happily, however, all now seems to be in order. 
Tataru: Then there's nothing left to do but to board the ship! do try and enjoy the journey, won't you? It may be your last chance to rest for a while! 
Alisaie: That would depend on the good captain's choice of route. 
Alphinaud: As ever, Tataru, I pray you take all due precautions while making your inquiries. Better to avoid the local authorities altogether than risk a repeat of our Ishgardian episode. 
Alisaie: And what sordid episode is this, pray tell? 
Alphinaud: Naught to speak of, I assure you! 
???: You there! Hold that ship! 
Lyse: What are you two doing here? Shouldn't you be in Doma? 
Hien: Shouldn't you? You left with nary a word! I half-wondered if I had done something to offend. 
Yugiri: Upon learning that you had departed for Kugane, we immediately resolved to give chase. Our comrades can mange affairs in our absence, and it seemed the least we could do. 
Lyse: You mean you came all this way just to say good-bye? 
Hien: That too, aye, but there was something else I felt I had to say. 
Hien: You helped us win our freedom, and for that I cannot thank you enough. 
Hien: Accordingly, after we have established an interim government and so forth, I think it only meet that we repay the favor by dispatching our own forces to Eorzea. If you would have us. 
Alphinaud: We harbored no expectations of such generous aid...and as there is no telling when the Empire might strike back at you, would it not be wiser to concentrate your resources on the defense of Doma? 
Hien: I had a mind to pursue a more aggressive defense. To wit, we will send forth shinobi to provinces far and wide to spread word of our victory, that we might inspire others to take up arms as we did. 
Hien: Even the Empire has its limits. If the Garleans cannot be certain where and when the next rebellion will take place, how can they commit another force to Doma? 
Hien: And long as this debt remains unpaid, how am I to face myself? And Gosetsu? 
Alphinaud: As you wish. I will relay your offer to the Eorzean Alliance. 
Hien: All of Doma is counting on you to finish what we have started. 
Hien: You have it in you, Lyse, to seize the future you want. Never forget. 
Lyse: I won't, Hien—not your words or anything else. Everything that led us here, that will drive us forward—I'll carry it with me always. And that's a promise. 
Hien: Hah hah! I will hold you to that! 
Hien: Go with them to Eorzea. Tell their people of our triumph and of our pledge to stand with them. 
Yugiri: By your leave, I shall pave the way for our new alliance. 
Tataru: Hurry up, you lot! The ship's about to weigh anchor! 
Hien: It seems our time is at an end. Go well, my friends...and may we meet again beneath a western sky. 


Meanwhile in the Royal Palace of Ala Mhigo...

Imperial Pilus Prior: I always knew that woman was unfit for command... 
Imperial Tribunus Militum: Aye. When you think of all the resources we poured into that hole. 
And for what? 
Zenos yae Galvus: The beast yet lives. Mayhap it is time I sharpen my claws. 
Zenos yae Galvus: I wonder, will you walk into my parlor once more...? 
Fordola: Fordola rem Lupis, come at the command of the lord viceroy to present the prisoner taken by the Crania Lupi!  
Krile: Zenos yae Galvus, I presume? 
Krile: It's true what they say. You do have the eyes of a monster. 
A ravenous, insatiable fiend.  
Zenos yae Galvus: You. Give the Butcher your weapon. 
Imperial Pilus Prior: My...? Yes, my lord! 
Fordola: My lord, this is— 
Zenos yae Galvus: A reward given in recognition of your service. I trust you will prove more capable than its former owner. 
Fordola: I...I swear I'll not disappoint you, my lord! 
Zenos yae Galvus: Good. Now, silence that mewling little piglet. I would not hear another sound pass her lips...until I strip the fat from her. 


Yugiri: We should inform the Admiral of our arrival, and brief her on that which took place in Doma before leaving the city.
Alphinaud: Compared to Kugane's vivid colors, Limsa Lominsa seems a bit...lacking. Still beautiful in its own way, but not as much as before...
Alisaie: It feels like a lifetime ago that we left for Kugane, doesn't it? 

Speak with Lyse

Lyse: Back in Eorzea at last. Ready to pick up where we left off and finish the fight. 
Lyse: We're not who we were when we left. We're stronger and wiser. 
Lyse: So let's do it! Let's get back to Ala Mhigo and defeat Zenos once and for all!