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A Sultana's Duty

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A Sultana's Duty

Quest giver
Nanamo Ul Namo
Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:9.1, Y:11.1)
Quest line
Post-Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Experience 10,800
Gil 825
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestA Sultana's Strings
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Main Scenario QuestA Sultana's Resolve

Main Scenario Progress: 508 / 953 (53.3%)


Stormblood Progress: 129 / 162 (79.6%)


Nanamo seems lost in thoughts of the past.

— In-game description



There are no journal entries for this quest.


Quest Acceptance

Nanamo Ul Namo: We must make haste. My absence will not go unnoticed by the Sultansworn for long, and there are other places I would visit. To the Arrzaneth Ossuary! 

Speak with Nanamo at Arrzaneth Ossuary

Nanamo Ul Namo: When the Calamity threatened, Raubahn led the Alliance forces into battle on the plains of Carteneau. And I remained here. I prayed with all my heart that Archon Louisoix would have the power to rouse the Twelve. Since that day, I hvae made a custom of visiting this shrine during each of my little excursions. Here, I seek the blessing of Thal, reflect upon my choices, and ask myself if I am fulfilling my duties as a sultana. You are rightly celebrated as a champion because you have led the line in a hundred battles for the good of Eorzea. In much the same way, I believe the measure of a monarch lies in how she leads her people in times of adversity. If I am to be a sultana worthy of the name, I cannot turn a blind eye to the troubles facing Ul'dah. I have chosen my path, [Forename]. With Ala Mhigo now freed from imperial chains, I finally see a way to aid the refugees. Already, many displaced Ala Mhigans seek to begin the long trek home. To facilitate that process, I have made a small contribution - an artisan's school in Rhalgr's Reach for any who wish to learn new trades. Realistically, however, it will take years for such training to yield tangible benefits. But we do not have years. These people will need shelter and employment if they are to survive, and this time the Ul'dahn treasury shall provide! Precisely where and how to allocate the necessary funds is, of course, another question...
What will you say? Might you ask a member of the Syndicate for advice? / Why not seek the advice of one who employs refugees? / ... -> Why not seek the advice of one who employs refugees? 
Nanamo Ul Namo: A wise suggestion. Mayhap a visit to the Gold Saucer is in order. Its proprietor is a member of the Syndicate, and he is one of the few who pay refugees a fair wage. I wonder, are you acquainted with Godbert Manderville? Then I need not explain his eccentric nature. Let us make our way to the landing, and I will see that word is sent to the Gold Saucer. Godbert should be only too glad to receive us. 

Speak with Nanamo at the airship landing

Nanamo Ul Namo: I have ridden aboard a public airship before, but this shall be my first visit to the Gold Saucer. I must confess to some excitement! 

Speak with Nanamo at the Gold Saucer

Nanamo Ul Namo: I had heard descriptions of its splendor, yet I never dreamed it would be so bright and inviting... N-No! I couldn't possibly - ! We did not come here to fritter away the royal coin! Godbert will be expecting us. Come, let us head directly to the lounge and ignore these...these...gaudy temptations! 

Speak with Nanamo

Nanamo Ul Namo: I believe this is where we are to meet Lord Manderville. Shall we sit while we await his coming? 
Godbert: My apologies, Your Grace, I have kept you waiting! 
Nanamo Ul Namo: No apologies are necessary, Godbert. My request was sudden, and you were kind to make yourself available at such short notice. 
Godbert: When the intrepid [Forename Surname] and the sultana herself come calling, there is no more important engagement! 
Nanamo Ul Namo: As to the purpose of my visit, I would have your thoughts on how the crown might best aid the refugees residing in Thanalan. You are aware, I am sure, that many of the Ala Mhigo's displaced sons and daughters long to return to their newly liberated homeland. And you are also aware of how they will suffer without shelter and work to sustain them. I would use our nation's wealth to spare them that suffering. What advice have you for me on the matter of how it might best be distributed? 
Godbert: ...The unusual circumstances of our meeting, and Your Grace's choice of companion, would suggest to me a desire for an honest and unvarnished opinion. I shall give you one. My advice to you is: "Stop." Taxing Ul'dah's wealth to save Ala Mhigan refugees is a terrible, terrible idea. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: You oppose my proposition? 
Godbert: Most emphatically. I agree with Your Grace that the refugees must have housing and employment, but what profit is there for Ul'dah in this arrangement? 
Nanamo Ul Namo: Profit? After all you have done for Gyr Abania's displayed, I thought you the very last person to seek to benefit from their misfortune! 
Godbert: Forgive me, Your Grace, but you appear to be laboring under a misapprehension. It is a fine endeavor to support one's fellow man. I fear, however, that your stance is one born of pity - your intent is to "save" the refugees, is it not? For all our potential, we are indolent creatures by nature. If unconditional charity is all we know, then we begin to rely upon it - to expect it. And then we must consider Ul'dah's own poor and downtrodden. Should they hear of you spending the nation's coin - not to improve their lot,  but to nurture the distance citizens of Ala Mhigo - it is unlikely they will applaud your generosity. Surely it is not Your Grace's intention to foster new resentments, but to spread goodwill? 
Nanamo Ul Namo: Indeed. ...Then any support I pledge to the refugees must promote self-sufficiency, whilst also serving the interests of the people of Ul'dah. 
Godbert: Exactly so! Such an arrangement will create a far more equitable relationship with the returning Ala Mhigans, even as it generates the revenue required to win the approval of your subjects. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: You have given me much to ponder, Lord Manderville. I thank you for your candor.