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A Reward Long in Coming

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A Reward Long in Coming

A Reward Long in Coming Image.png
Quest giver
The Sea of Clouds (X:9, Y:32)
Quest line
Heavensward Main Scenario Quests
Experience 46,800
Gil 461
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestA Series of Unfortunate Events
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestDivine Intervention

Main Scenario Progress: 251 / 953 (26.3%)


Heavensward Progress: 10 / 138 (7.2%)


Lord Emmanellain appears to be rather pleased with himself.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Ever quick to see the glass half full, Lord Emmanellain has convinced himself that he should rightly be lauded for uncovering the existence of a Vanu primal. Report to Lady Laniaitte and see if she agrees.
  • Lady Laniaitte is shocked to hear that the Vanu have summoned a primal, and all agree that its presence must be behind the recent rise in Vanu hostility. Sensing his moment, Lord Emmanellain rather bluntly demands that the true hero of the hour be recognized, and for once, Lady Laniaitte agrees... and praises you for rescuing the young lord from a doom of his own making. More than satisfied with your efforts, she then invites you to return to Ishgard with Lord Haurchefant, prompting Lord Emmanellain to conclude that he too is no longer needed. Speak with Lord Haurchefant when you are ready to board the airship.
  • Lord Haurchefant is a man who knows how to appreciate the simple pleasures in life, particularly after cheating death in battle yet again. In spite of this, he cannot help but be concerned for the welfare of Lord Emmanellain, and suggests that you visit him back at the manor.
  • For once, Lord Emmanellain is not his effervescent self, having received a dressing down from his father for his recklessness. But will he take this lesson to heart? Only time will tell...


Accepting the Quest

Emmanellain: Very well, I admit it: it was an incredibly harrowing experience. I could very well have died, you know! Me! Dead! 
Emmanellain: On the other hand, by risking life and limb in the line of duty, I did succeed in uncovering the existence of a new primal. And that, old girl/boy, is no small feat! 
Emmanellain: I have made an historic discovery─a fact even Lady Laniaitte will have no choice but to acknowledge! Yeeesss, I am rather looking forward to basking in the sunshine of her praise. Speaking of which─isn't it time we made our triumphant return? 

Optional Dialogue

Emmanellain: How do I look? Dashing as always, with a suitable sprinkling of dirt and sweat? Excellent. Let us return to Lady Laniaitte at once!
Haurchefant: Even after everything he has been through, he manages to remain so...optimistic.
Honoroit: Thank you, Mistress/Master [Surname], thank you! If you had not rushed to his aid, I dare not think what would have happened!

Speaking with Laniaitte (Cutscene)

Laniaitte: Praise Halone, I feared the worst! What happened out there? 
Laniaitte: A primal!? Are you sure!? 
Laniaitte: Yet...now that I think on it, this Bismarck is reminiscent of the white whale of Vanu legend─a massive creature said to “swim” in the Sea of Clouds. 
Haurchefant: From what I have learned of comparable summonings, the presence of the Vanu's god would certainly explain the sudden change in their behavior toward the people of Camp Cloudtop. 
Honoroit: Ah, you mean to say that they have fallen under the primal's influence? I recall reading of such things in the documents provided by Master Alphinaud... 
Emmanellain: Aren't we forgetting something important, Lady Laniaitte? A little recognition for the hero of the hour? A few choice expressions of gratitude, respect, admiration, and so on...? 
Laniaitte: ...Why yes. You are right, of course. Mistress/Master [Surname] deserves all that and more for having risked her life to rescue such an...esteemed personage. 
Haurchefant: Well, if there is naught else to discuss, I would depart for Ishgard forthwith. The Holy See and the Temple Knights must be informed of this new threat without delay. 
Laniaitte: But of course.
Mistress/Master [Surname], you have done more than enough here. Pray return to Ishgard with Lord Haurchefant and give my warmest regards to the count. 
Emmanellain: So that's it, then? No more forays into enemy territory? Very well, I can see my services are no longer needed. Take care, Lady Laniaitte. May our next meeting take place under more...felicitous circumstances. 
Haurchefant: All's well that ends well, eh? To the airship landing, then! We can speak on the journey home. 

Optional Dialogue

Laniaitte: All things considered, Emmanellain came through relatively unscathed. More's the pity—he might have learned something otherwise.

Speaking with Haurchefant in Ishgard

Haurchefant: I confess, I have always been rather fond of airship travel. The chill of the wind upon your face, the warmth of the blood pumping in your veins from the excitement...! I find the whole experience indescribably invigorating! 
Haurchefant: Or mayhap it is simply the joy of having cheated death yet again!? Ha ha! In any event, I must make for the Congregation and inform Ser Aymeric of all that has occurred. 
Haurchefant: Emmanellain should have returned to the manor by now. Why not go and see if he has recovered from his ordeal? 

Optional Dialogue

Honoroit: (My lord the count was utterly beside himself, Mistress/Master [Surname]. 'Tis a mercy you were not here to witness it.)

Speaking with Emmanellain in Fortemps Manor (Cutscene)

Emmanellain: Oh, it's you, [Forename]...
<whimper> Gods, did he have to strike me so hard? 
Emmanellain: Father, he...he did not approve of how I handled matters in Camp Cloudtop─how I endangered the lives of others through my own...<sniff>...recklessness and incompetence. 
Emmanellain: It's not easy playing the hero, is it.