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A Notable Absence

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A Notable Absence

Main Scenario Progress: 653 / 953 (68.5%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 112 / 157 (71.3%)


For all his comforting words, Alphinaud is plainly troubled by Master Chai's sudden disapperance.

— In-game description



  • For all his comforting words, Alphinaud is plainly troubled by Master Chai's sudden disappearance.


Alphinaud: It makes no sense for Master Chai to have left without a word. But even if he had, he would not have done so unobserved.

Alphinaud: Someone here will have seen something. I am sure of it.

Alphinaud: We should split up and inquire as to whether anyone saw him leave or, failing that, if they have any idea where he might have gone. I will meet you at the Glory Gate to compare notes later on.



Mowen: Master Chai? Why yes, I spoke with him recently, though I recall he was in a rather dour mood. Concerned about Eulmore's neglect of industry, you see.

Mowen: With Lord Vauthry's apparently inexhaustible stores of meol, and no great need for money, it's little wonder our businesses were all but forgotten under his rule.

Mowen: But I assured Master Chai that the Boutique of Splendors will do all it can to contribute to the revival of trade here in Eulmore - which seemed to satisfy him. He took his leave soon after.


Cornenne: Looking for Master Chai, are you? Is something amiss? When last I saw him, he seemed ready to collapse from exhaustion. I insisted he rest and catch his breath, and we talked for a while - about his concerns over the city's defenses amongst other things.

Cornenne: He made more than a few valid points. Many of our men are still recovering after your confrontation with Lord Vauthry, and finding General Ran'jit in a heap in the middle of the plaza shook us all to the core.

Cornenne: The man commanded no small amount of loyalty, and some of our longest-serving soldier seemed lost without him. Indeed, a number of them left.

Cornenne: N-Not that we blame you, of course. Without you and yours, we would still be blind to the error of our ways.

Cornenne: Anyway...funding permitting, I proposed replenishing our ranks with volunteers from the Derelicts and Gatetown.

Cornenne: We have a duty to protect not only Eulmore, you see, but the surrounding regions of Kholusia as well, and I for one would welcome any man or woman willing to take up arms for that cause. Indeed, I told him as much, and he seemed relieved to hear it. It was on that note that we parted ways. He headed outside, as I recall.


Hathenbet: Aye, I recall a man fittin' that description. Asked to speak with the poor buggers lately come from Wright.

Hathenbet: Said he wanted to know the state of things down in the Derelicts. And you can be sure we gave him an earful. Lack of food, medicine, clothin' - there was plenty to tell.

Hathenbet: We hunt high and low for whatever we can scavenge, and it's barely enough to fill our bellies. But folk here don't just want to survive, they want to thrive!

Hathenbet: when he heard that, he started mumblin' to himself. Something' about findin' us work, I think.

Hathenbet: Fair play to him, though - not content with havin' his ear chewed about the Derelicts, he asked about the other settlements an' all. After that, I can't really say. Looked like he was headed for Gatetown when I last saw him.


Outside the beehive

Alphinaud: It would seem Master Chai paid a visit to the Beehive before taking his leave of Eulmore. Unfortunately, the patrons I spoke with were too deep in their cups to remember aught else.

Before handing in the quest

Alphinaud: Ah, there you are. How did you fare? Have you learned anything which might offer a clue as to Master Chai's whereabouts?


Alphinaud: Interesting...

Alphinaud: He apparently paid a visit to the Queen Bee as well.

Alphinaud: They discussed the possibility of granting admission to customers from outside Eulmore, an idea to which the proprietor was surprisingly receptive.

Kai-Shirr: Sounds like he's got big plans for the place. Eulmore, I mean - not the Bee.

Alphinaud: Perhaps. But the question remains - where did he go after leaving the city?