A Haven for the Bold
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A Haven for the Bold
- Quest giver
- Alphinaud
- Location
- Rhalgr's Reach (X:14.5, Y:9.4)
- Quest line
- Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 60
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
The Promise of a New Beginning
- Next quest
A Bargain Struck
Sights of Crimson and Dawn
- Patch
- 4.0
Main Scenario Progress: 383 / 960 (39.9%)
Stormblood Progress: 4 / 162 (2.5%)
“Alphinaud is pondering how best to make use of your leisure.
— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
- 1 High Steel Helm of Fending
- 1 High Steel Helm of Maiming
- 1 Koppranickel Turban of Striking
- 1 Koppranickel Turban of Scouting
- 3 Savage Might Materia V
As this gear is worse than the level 60 Poetics gear, you might consider selling it on the Market Board to other players. This is generally more profitable than the Allagan Pieces. Alternatively, it can be used while leveling secondary jobs.
There are no journal entries for this quest.
M'Naago: To be honest, I already know I want us to work together. But we've still got to talk it over with everyone.
Conrad: We'll need to call the other senior members together before we can make a decision.
Meffrid: So the Gridanians are finally willing to fight, eh...
Krile: I can't imagine that they would refuse. But if they did...
Y'shtola: So they would have us wait. Very well.
Lyse: ...Papalymo and I weren't entirely honest with you. Though we were sheltered in Little Ala Mhigo at first, we spent most of our time here, working with Conrad and his people. But you probably guessed that the moment I led you to the Reach, didn't you?
Alisaie: It's not as though we have to stand around here indefinitely, do we?
Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)
Alphinaud: So...it would seem we find ourselves with a surfeit of free time—
Conrad: Ah, forgive me. You are free to look around Rhalgr's Reach. In fact, I would encourage you to do so. It'll give you a better grasp of our current circumstances.
Alphinaud: Thank you, Master Kemp. I believe we will do just that. Alphinaud: Let us make the most of this opportunity and assess the Resistance's capabilities.
Alisaie: Free to poke our noses wheresoever we will, eh? I like the sound of that.
Lyse: Well, I already know this place inside out. I can show you around if you like, [Forename]? Lyse: Great! Let's get started.
Speaking with Lyse
Lyse: I'll bet you think the Resistance is mostly made up of Ala Mhigan Highlanders like me, but the truth is that we don't even account for half. Lyse: We've got Hellsguard from all the way over by the Spine in here, and plenty of Seekers of the Sun like Naago. Lyse: There's even some beastmen—well, beast women, I suppose—like that one over there. She's an Ananta. They've been with us for a while now. Lyse: Well, one of the smaller factions has. The rest won't have anything to do with us. We're no different than Garleans to them. Lyse: They keep to themselves, spending all their time crafting. Ananta make the most amazing jewelry, by the way. They use magicks to twist metals and crystal into shapes you wouldn't believe. It's a pity people hardly ever get to see their work. But then most don't even know they exist. Lyse: That's enough about them, anyway. Let's take a closer look at the statue of Rhalgr, shall we?
Speaking with Lyse (Cutscene)
Lyse: Pretty awe-inspiring, isn't it? The breaker of worlds, who guided our ancestors to these lands all those centuries ago. Lyse: Yda used to tell me the story on stormy nights. She wanted me to understand. To remember... Lyse: "At the end of the Fifth Astral Era, when the waters rose higher and higher, people all across Eorzea beseeched the heavens for a sign. And lo, a burning star appeared in the eastern sky, and led all the way to these mountains of Gyr Abania..." Lyse: "They who were saved by His grace pledged to honor and revere Him. To devote themselves to great works without and within..." Lyse: "A storm of blood approaches fast, Hells open, Heaven's Weep. For no one soul doth lie beyond The measure of His Reach." Lyse: That last part was inscribed on this stone by a monk of the fist of Rhalgr. Yda explained it to me: "A day will come bringing strive and sorrow that one may escape. Waste not these precious hours, but in quiet preparation make strong the body and mind." Lyse: I don't know if that "storm of blood" is finally upon us. But if it is, I have to believe that everything we've been through, everything that has led us to this point, will see us through in the end. Lyse: ...Agh! Sorry. That was all a bit melodramatic, wasn't it? Let's keep moving, shall we? Off to the infirmary!
Y'shtola: You too are come to inspect their facilities? As you can see, they have done well to set aside this much space, but their supplies are insufficient.
Krile: We examined the patients and offered what assistance we could. However, for many of their injuries, time and bed rest are the only effective treatments.
Speaking with Lyse
Lyse: This is the infirmary, as you can probably tell. There's where the Resistance healers patch up the wounded and tend to the sick. Lyse: No matter how carefully we planned our operations, casualties were inevitable. It's a sad thing to think about, but...it's also important to remember the cost, as Conrad would say. Lyse: We should go. I'll show you the aetheryte plaza next.
Speaking with Lyse
Lyse: When you've seen one aetheryte, you've seen them all, right? Not quite. This one's an older design, dating back decades, to when the Fist of Rhalgr was still here. Lyse: It may look a little different, but it works just as well as any other. I'll show you where the sutlers are next—but don't forget to attune to the aetheryte before you go!
Alisaie: Ah, excellent. They've no shortage of sutlers here, should we have need of their services.
Alphinaud: Hardly surprising. Where there is war, there is profit to be had.
Speaking with Lyse
Lyse: Arms, armor, potions—you name it, these folks've got it. The Resistance would be in a bad way without brave merchants to keep it provisioned. Lyse: If you're short on anything, or you need something repaired, these are the people to speak to. Lyse: Oh, Alphinaud and Alisaie are here. Why don't we see how they're getting on?