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Male ♂
Hrothgar (The Lost)
Yanxia (16.2,8.5)
Bozjan Resistance
Quest NPC

Marsak Apella is a Hrothgar found in Yanxia.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Path to the Past Feature quest 80 Marsak
Where Eagles Nest Feature quest 80 Marsak
A Sign of What's to Come Feature quest 80 Marsak
A New Playing Field Feature quest 80 Marsak

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Hail to the Queen Feature quest 80 Keiten
The Bozja Incident Feature quest 80 Lilja


See also: Field Notes on Marsak

"Though the odds are stacked against us, we have come too far to abandon our home."

At two and forty summers, this proud member of the Resistance serves as Bajsaljen's right-hand man. Like many others, Marsak was a conscript in the imperial army. His duties often took him far from home, and he was thus spared the fate of his parents and siblings when destruction visited Bozja Citadel. Following the tragedy, he escaped the military to join the Resistance.

In addition to assisting Bajsaljen in his duties, Marsak is responsible for procuring funds and supplies, as well as the training of recruits. Where the warm-natured Hrothgar truly shines, however, is in his capacity as a liaison with outside allies such as Lord Hien and the East Aldenard Trading Company. His reputation as amiable and trustworthy also belies martial talent—Marsak is an avid student of Rostik's gunbreaker techniques, and considered a stalwart shield for the Bozjan Resistance.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 171

In his youth, Marsak was conscripted into the Imperial Army as a frontlines fighter. Due to this, he was not present in Bozja for the Bozja Incident. Upon returning home, he learned that much of the city had been wiped out, including his parents and siblings. Swearing his blade to vengeance against the Empire, he defected and joined the Bozjan Resistance shortly after. After showing his prowess as both a fighter and a leader, he eventually became the right hand of Bajsaljen, the Resistance's leader.

While he does take part in missions and Skirmishes on the field, he is also responsible for training new soldiers and maintaining supplies on the Southern Front. He also acts as a liaison between the Resistance and outside forces, such as the Doman Army. He is renowned for being a kind-hearted and warm leader, who is loyal to his troops.

Following the beginning of the civil war in Garlemald, the Bozjan Resistance was able to rise against its oppressors and start driving them out of Bozja. However, the war had essentially ground to a stalemate, with resources drying up quickly. With the success of the Doman Liberation, Marsak reached out to Hien Rijin, who in turn brought in the Warrior of Light for aid. Marsak informed them of the Resistance's plan to reforge the old weapons used by the ancient queensguard, the Blades of Gunnhildr, both to improve morale and also hopefully recreate the weapons and the power they held. Once the Warrior of Light and Mikoto delve into Cid nan Garlond's memories and obtain the inscriptions engraved on the weapon replicas in the old Bozja Citadel, Gerolt is brought in to aid in the forging process. With the weapons in hand, the Resistanc' was finally able to fight back and continue driving the Empire out of their home.

Marsak ran several operations and attacks on the Bozjan Southern Front, helping his men push ever closer towards Castrum Lacus Litore. Following the battle against Lyon and his pet Dawon, the traitor Misija appeared with the ancient blade Save the Queen, and forced the Warrior of Light to enter the blade's memories so she could twist them, ultimately taking control of the power of the weapon. Marsak attempted to lead an attack on Misija, however, with the powers of the blade acting as a Primal, she was able to enthrall or outright kill a majority of the new Blades of Gunnhildr. Marsak and Bajsaljen were able to escape thanks to the Warrior of Light, and pulled back to their base on the Southern Front to regroup.

When the battle is pushed to Zadnor, Marsak aids in planting the beacons to extend the barrier protecting the Resistance from raining fire from the Empire's Airships. He also devises the plan to permanently down the Dalriada and charge the vessel, defeating the Empire once and for all. In the meantime, he helps push forward across Zadnor and eliminating the various squadrons of the IVth Imperial Legion, leading up to the final charge against the Dalriada warship. Marsak was also present when The Diablo Armament escaped the ship and prepared to blast Zadnor, and when Misija, using the power of Queen Gunnhildr, sacrificed herself to stop the ancient Allagan weapon, he mourned her death. He joined the Warrior of Light and Mikoto in front of the recovered Save the Queen, which had been drained of all the queen's essence. He questioned who was truly at fault for what happened to Misija and the path she walked. He promised to work hard alongside Bajsaljen to rebuild Bozja, even if he did not initially approve of incorporating some of the Empire's methodology as part of their new constitution.