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For Those We Have Lost

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For Those We Have Lost

For Those We Have Lost Image.png
Quest giver
Coerthas Western Highlands (X:32, Y:37)
Quest line
Dragonsong Main Scenario Quests
Experience 5,000
Gil 810
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestOnce More, a Favor
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestConsequences

Main Scenario Progress: 349 / 953 (36.6%)


Heavensward Progress: 108 / 138 (78.3%)


Emmanellain seems rather pleased with himself.

— In-game description



  • Per Lord Emmanellain's suggestion, you decide to partake of the food and drink in the nearby tavern. Desiring privacy, you opt for a secluded seat in the corner, and drink deep from a mug of mulled wine provided by a young waitress. You find yourself listening half-heartedly as she speaks of this and that... your eyes growing heavy, your limbs sapped of all strength. She turns, and through the haze you see her eyes, burning with contempt. You crumple to the ground, and as all fades to black, you hear her whisper to sleep, to sleep...

    A grave, and a woman. No -- two women, and a man. Countless graves, countless lives lost. A war that would never end, no -- not for them. They came together, unwilling and unable to forgive, to forget. They learned of the conference and despaired... until she stepped forward. For she had a plan.

    Thancred rouses you from your slumber, and from beyond the tavern doors you can hear the faint sounds of fighting. Bursting forth, you find chaos. Soldiers and civilians -- some whom you recognize from your vision -- lie dead and dying. From atop a wall she calls out. The woman from the tavern -- from your vision. She cries out for vengeance against the Dravanians, and Emmanellain, in a panic, commands a nearby knight to act. As the crowd looks on, the knight shoots, striking her in the arm. Wounded and enraged, she decries the lordling and all for which he stands, before a second arrow silences her, and she falls from sight. All eyes turn to the young lord as he pleads his innocence, that all was a misunderstanding. But you know full well that it is too late for excuses.

  • In the wake of the failed protest, Lord Emmanellain retreats to the tavern, leaving you and Thancred to ensure that order has been fully restored. But, more importantly, having witnessed such a heavy-handed suppression, how will the people regard Ser Aymeric's efforts to ensure peace now?
  • You quickly ascertain that the people are uneasy and divided, harboring resentment towards the protesters, Lord Emmanellain, and even Ser Aymeric. Though there appears to be no risk of further violence, the peace conference clearly has no chance of success in this climate.
  • Thancred informs you that, for a mercy, the guards do not appear to have been responsible for any civilian casualties. Nevertheless, he agrees with your assessment. Misguided though her actions may have been, the protest leader's words resonated with many who have lost loved ones, as Thancred quietly observes...


Optional Dialogue

Thancred: (“Selfless sacrifice” indeed.)
Honoroit: (I am sorry, my lady. Truly, I am...)

Accepting the Quest

Emmanellain: Oh, and this should of course go without saying, but let's keep those last few favors between us, yes? Artoirel wouldn't understand. 
Emmanellain: Right then—the first floor of the barracks has been converted to a tavern for the duration of the conference. Why don't you go and have something to eat? 
Thancred: For once, a suggestion with which I agree. Go on ahead, [Forename]. I will join you anon. 

Cutscene start

Earnest Maid: Welcome, welcome! Find yourself an empty seat, and I'll be with you in a moment.
Earnest Maid: Cold out, en't it? Here—a mug on the house. Let's get some color back in them cheeks! 
Earnest Maid: 'Fraid food'll be a bit longer than usual. We've got a lot of hungry folk to feed what with the conference and all. 
Earnest Maid: <sigh> So many people with cause toe celebrate. To think there could be peace in our time, after all them years of fightin'... 
Earnest Maid: When I heard about the conference, I knew I had to come. I knew I had to be here—to do my bit. 
Earnest Maid: My husband, he...he died fighting the dragons, you see. And here we are, about to break bread with them. 
Earnest Maid: You all right, my lover? You look tired. Reckon you could do with a good long rest. 
Earnest Maid: After all you've done, I'd say you've earned it. 
Earnest Maid: Sleep, now...sleeeep. Sleep and leave us to our affairs. 
Earnest Maid: This was never your fight. 

Echo Vision

Mournful Mother: My son, they...they told me he walks in Halone's halls. Him and the rest of his unit. 
Earnest Maid: ...They told me the same. 
Mournful Mother: I expect they think it's comforting. 
Mournful Mother: Every time I come, I cry. I cannot bear to remember, but to forget would be a thousand times worse. 
Mournful Mother: Yet that is what they would have us do. Accept this truth for the sake of peace. Bury the past and look to the future. 
Mournful Mother: But he was my future. My flesh and blood—my heart...

Echo vision 2

Hardened Man: Is this it? Are we the only ones with the courage to oppose this madness? Cowards, the lot of 'em!
Bitter Knight: They think only of the prize—of the peace Ser Aymeric promises them. They know in their hearts it's a lie, but they go along with it anyway, desperate fools. But not I. Not I! 
Bitter Knight: I see the wyrm that killed my brother in my dreams every night! And I will not rest until he lies broken at my feet! Him and every last one of his accursed kin! 
Hardened Man: All this nonsense about kings of eld. As if I care what they did or didn't do! Makes no difference to me and mine! Have the dragons sued for peace in a thousand years? Have they bollocks! 
Hardened Man: It's a bloody ruse is what it is! And Ser Aymeric and the rest of 'em've bloody fallen for it! 
Mournful Mother: But what can we do? They believe, and naught we can say will ever change their minds. 
Mournful Mother: Whether we like it or not, man and dragon will come together at Falcon's Nest, and all will be forgiven. Forgiven and forgotten. 
Earnest Maid: No. I will not let that happen. 
Earnest Maid: They will remember the true face of the enemy. I will show it to them. And we will rise up against them once more! 

Echo End

Thancred: Hey! Hey! This is no time for napping! 
Thancred: Do you have your wits about you? Good. Come with me—we have a crisis on our hands! 
Earnest Maid: >> Hear me, brothers and sisters! Do not be fooled by the honeyed words of the Dravanians! The peace they promise is but a prelude to slaughter! << 
Earnest Maid: >> Remember your husbands and wives, never returned from war! Your children, torn apart by fang and claw! All your loved ones, shown no mercy! <<
Earnest Maid: >> Does not your heart cry out for vengeance!? Your blood boil at the injustice!? Remember the face of your enemy, brothers and sisters! Remember it and strike back! <<
Emmanellain: You there! Don't just stand around gawping! Do something, man! Stop her! 
Panicked Knight: Yes, yes my lord! 
Earnest Maid: See! See here is the true nature of the highborn! With lies and deception they lead us to our doom, and dare we raise our voices in dissent —death is our reward! 
Earnest Maid: This is the choice they have given us, brothers and sisters! Death by dragon's fang or death by nobleman's command! Death to all we hold dear! 
Earnest Maid: I spit on your choices, nobleman! You will take no more form me... No more! NO MORE! 
Emmanellain: What have you done!? 
Panicked Knight: I-I only did as you ordered, my lord...
Emmanellain: I gave no such order! I did not! I ...I never meant for anyone to...

Optional Dialogue

Redwald: He was not wrong to want to subdue the leader as quickly as able, for she may have spurred others to further violence.
Redwald: But to fire on her as the crowd looked on was beyond reckless.
Highborn Merchant: What was that fool of a lordling thinking!? What did he think would happen!?
Lowborn Youth: Gods, how could I have been so foolish!? She...she was right...
Rothe: Seven hells, the least he could've done is stop the bloody fool before he shot the second arrow!
Emmanellain: ...
Highborn Merchant: What was that fool of a lordling thinking!? What did he think would happen!?
Emerissel: She seemed like such a nice girl. Always greeted me with a smile when she passed. Never would've guessed she had it in her.
Noirterel: Pray forgive me, my lady/lord. It's been chaos since preparations for the conference began, and I needed all the help I could get, and...and... How was I to know!?
Noirterel: I only realized what had happened after we inspected the mug. Master Thancred tells me it was a sleeping agent of some sort...
Spirited Stonecutter: I'm still not sure what they were about. I thought they might try to destroy the relief, but...

Speaking with Thancred

Thancred: I daresay that could not have played out any worse, given that the first commander and Lord Artoirel are not here to take control of the situation. 
Thancred: I spoke with a messenger who said that they would be returning shortly, but until they do, naught will be done. Lord Emmanellain has retreated to the barracks and is refusing to speak to anyone. 
Thancred: Therefore it falls to us to ensure that order has been fully restored. Come, let us walk the streets and speak with the people. 

Speaking with the people of Falcon's Nest

Highborn Merchant: My wife and I fell while fleeing with the others at first. The chirurgeons tended to our bruises afterwards. 
Highborn Merchant: <sigh> Those mad fools have ruined everything, and for what? 
Highborn Merchant: I will never forgive them for this. Never!
Josseloux: They were wrong to resort to violence, but when I heard her speak, her words were as a dagger in my heart. 
Josseloux: Who are we to decide that enough is enough? That their calls for justice can never be answered? Will this be the end of it, or will there be others like them and the True Brothers? 
Josseloux: I do not want to bear steel against my kinsman ever again. I do not know if I even can....
Josseloux: I'm tired of it. I'm just so tired of it all.
Spirited Stonecutter: I'd heard the rumors that the young lord was a drunken fool. What imbecile thought it would be a good idea to let him have the run of Falcon's Nest!? 
Spirited Stonecutter: Well, I say him and Ser Aymeric take their bloody "change" and shove it up their arses. I'll not be taken in by that rot again.
Spirited Stonecutter: She's right, you know. We're naught but tools to them, to be used and discarded as they see fit. We all saw it.

Speaking with Thancred

Thancred: Well? What say you? 
Thancred: So, the violence has passed, but the people are far from recovered. That is to be expected.  
Thancred: For the moment, it appears that no innocents were harmed by the guards. The blame for all casualties can be placed squarely upon the protesters. 
Thancred: Nevertheless, the people will not soon forget the image of a young lordling ordering the public execution of an unarmed protestor - one whose words resonated with the hearts of many. 
Thancred: After all, who among us has not lost loved ones...